A Voyage Round the World, by the Way of the Great South Sea: Performed in a Private Expedition During the War, Which Broke Out With Spain, in the Year 1718: Shelvocke, George:
A Voyage Round the World, by the Way of the Great South Sea: Performed in a Private Expedition During the War, Which Broke Out With Spain, in the Year 1718: Shelvocke, George:
A Voyage Round the World, by the Way of the Great South Sea: Performed in a Private Expedition During the War, Which Broke Out With Spain, in the Year 1718: Shelvocke, George:,Privateer's Voyage Round the World (Seafarers' Voices),Shelvocke Voyage Round the World Senex 1726 - AbeBooks,A Voyage to the South Sea, and Round the World - Wikipedia,MBA | George Shelvocke, Voyage round the World, first edition, London 1726.